At Niagara Falls,
From the camera of Edip Bibioğlu,
Şafak Bibioğlu writes:
“I am a person who has always been scared of flowing waters, especially of swift ones. Therefore, the idea of seeing Niagara was very exciting but at the same time terrifying for me. Maybe, one of the main reasons for this is that in films, these types of places had been used as a background for horror films and thrillers rather than visual sceneries. I don’t know… However, it was as if being aware of my fear, Niagara has met us on a very beautiful and sunny day with wonderful rainbow. After viewing and enjoying this wonder of Nature for a long while, I gained all my courage and decided to get on the boat going to the bottom of the falls. In the photos, I am one of the courageous people on the deck of the boat with blue raincoats. The common name of the two operating boats is “Maiden of the Mist”. They depart from the back of the small falls, sail to the bottom of the big falls where they start to run their engines with utmost speed resisting to the driving force of the water and stopping there for 10-15 minutes, go back. It was right at that point that I felt as if the water curtain will open and draw us all to the other side. However, while passing under the rainbow, I started to think that I have defeated all my fears concerning water. After we got off the boat and went upstairs, I thought I look at Niagara with a different eye now...
Dear Tülin, I wrote about my thoughts and feelings about Niagara for you. It really impressed me a lot. Unfortunately, the feeling of coming over my fears about flowing waters lasted short. In the canyon we visited at Quebec, I only managed to pass the first bridge but on the second rope bridge, I couldn’t go further than a meter …
See you at “Quebec impressions”…
Lots of love.. Şafak”
Thank's to Bibioglu Family.
Tulin Erkaya